80 photos   6396 visits

00-Hello everyone-00

Well! Let's start :

Hello , Im the real Miley Ray Cyrus.
[Omg, Im the real guys ] ..
I'm new here .. I hope you
believe in me .. Cause again I'm the real ...
Well , look at the album : Rules ..
Hihi !! .. I just wanna say welcome and HAVE FUN!! I'm not here to do something bad ..
It's a small description , but you can see
more in other albums .. Well , if you want more , ask me..
@A loot of funny moments
@A loot of funny moments
@A lot of friends
@A lot of friends
@A lot of hugs
@A lot of hugs
@Amazing fans
@Amazing fans
@Amazing friend
@Amazing friend
@Ath Big Bang
@Ath Big Bang
@Awesome friend
@Awesome friend
@Awesome gurl
@Awesome gurl
@Awesome nd amazing fan
@Awesome nd amazing fan
@Awesome picture
@Awesome picture
@Aww how many kisses
@Aww how many kisses
@Aww look
@Aww look

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